Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Change the background of windows media player in windows 7

Windows 7 can possibly be ranked as the best OS so far because of its simplicity and user friendliness. However, if you're using Windows 7, there may be a LOT about it which you wouldn't be knowing. Following is a tip about how you can change and customize the background image in windows media player in your windows 7 operating system.

Follow the steps below to change the background in windows media player :
1) change the background of windows media player:
1) Go to Run and type “Regedit”, It will open a registry editor.
2) locate this key in registry editor
   HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\MediaPlayer\P references
3) Double click on the key LibraryBackgroundImage and enter a value between 0 to 6 (each number represents a background).

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